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Maximum Ride (Series)

Maximum Ride

James Patterson

Maximum Ride, by James Patterson is an exciting series full of adventure and family. Maximum, or Max, is a 14 year old girl who is is on the run with her non-biological family. Max, Angel, Fang, Iggy, Gazzy, Nudge, and their dog, Total may seem like totally normal kids on the run. But, once you take a closer look, you’ll see how unique they really are. Their most prominent feature are their wings. All of them have large, hawk like wings. Now, you might be wondering how did they get wings. Well, they were born, created, and experimented in a mad-science lab. In this lab, they were tortured, so the scientist could learn more about their DNA and powers. Each of them had their own power that made them different. Throughout the series, you notice that the characters start to evolve on their own, and start to become more and more powerful. But, their still on the run. They fight Ari, another version of bird/human morphs that are evil and fight, and escape the laboratory over and over again. The stories are adventurous, and will make you fall in love with the characters thousands and thousands of times.

Maximum Ride, was an amazing 9 book series. There is a chapter book series, a manga comic series, as well as a 2016 movie. Although I have only read the chapter books, I am very interested to read the comics, as well as to watch the movie. I could not put down this series and finished the entire series in about 4-5 days. Although I do read quickly, I am sure once you start this series, you will be wanting the next book. These books are exciting and will catch you on the very first word. Maximum Ride, is one of my absolute favorite series.

Grade Level:

- Suggested: 6th-7th

- Advanced: 5th

Genre: Fiction

Key Elements: Experiments, mutants

Possible Themes: Life is a giant adventure

Overall Rating: 5/5

Happy Reading!

-The Book Lover-

If you like more details about the book or would like to request something for me to read, you can contact me at

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