The Boy In Striped Pajamas

The Boy In Striped Pajamas
John Boyne
The Boy In Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne, was emotional, historical, and takes reader for a spin. When Bruno, the main character, returns home from school one day, he discovers that he and his family must move away. His father has received a promotion and the family must move from their home to a new house far far away, where there is no one to play with and nothing to do. A tall, wire fence runs alongside the new home as far as Bruno’s eyes can see. Through the metal wires and trees, Bruno can see people who he says, are wearing striped pajamas. Frustrated, and feeling cut off, Bruno decides to explore and meet the people across the fence. While exploring his new environment, he meets another boy whose life and circumstances are very different to his own, and their meeting, results in a friendship that has devastating consequences.
I didn't love this book, but I did appreciate the fact that it had a very powerful message (and an ending I wasn't expecting at all). My feelings were definitely changed by the fact that the author describes the story as a fable. The story was very abstract in many ways, but as the book continues, you learn more about Bruno and the backstory. Definitely an unforgettable read, nonetheless.
Grade Level:
- Suggested: 6th-8th
- Advanced: 6th
- Genre: Historical-fiction
- Key Elements: Holocaust, camp
- Possible Themes: Under all layers, we are all just human
Overall Rating:4/5
Happy Reading!
-The Book Lover-
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